Friday, February 1, 2013


Today was one of my very favorite days!  I got my hair done and it is so very beautiful!   Thank you Carrie!  After my hair was beautified, I met up with my dear friend Lindsay:)  We had lunch at Mimi's Cafe.  I had come up with this brilliant idea to sing my order, but that kind of backfired because our server did not wanna be on camera.  Boo:(.   So we had our lunch, paid, and all that jazz and of course we made a stop by the restroom.....  Inspiration!

Day: 5
When: Friday February 1st
Where:  Mimi's Cafe Viera,FL
Song:  I Have To Go To the Bathroom
*    I didn't even realize that I had background music!  I thought it added a lot to the number:)And Yes, there were other people besides Lindsay and I in the restroom. What was funny was that they said, "What a pretty voice!" and asked if I was perusing singing professionally.Bahahahahaha!  (That made me feel good about myself;) I honestly wouldn't come up with "professional" by these videos.  Not how I would really sing for an audition....  Anyway, The ladies in the restroom wondered if they should leave a tip!!!! ahahahahaha!.....  Side note- I don't turn down tips if they are given:) haha.   Everyone have a fabulous weekend!

At Home

It was nearing the end of the day and I found no inspiring opportunity, but I still had to sing.  Sometimes the best songs are in the comfort of your own home...

Day: 5
When: Thursday January 31st
Where: My Apartment in FL
Song:  At Home

A Lovely Outing

It was Wednesday and I got to spend the afternoon with my great friend Lilly!  Lilly is awesome!  First we headed to Viera for some shopping and Boba Tea.  I found myself a saweet bubble umbrella! (I've wanted one for a while)  and the Boba Tea was so amazing! So amazing that I just had to sing about it...

Day: 4
When:Wednesday January 30th
Where: The Avenues at Viera
Song:  Boba Tea

After our Boba Tea musical adventure Lilly and I went for a walk at the Wetlands.  The Wetlands are wet lands with birds and alligators and stuff. We didn't get wet though because there is a dry road to walk and drive on:)  Anyway...  On our walk, Lilly and I sang a lot.  My personal favorite was Lilly's ballad about cows with no job because they didn't get an education. ( I provided background vocals) Unfortunately that song was not on video:( It was amazing though. :)

MIHS Basketball Game

I get to co-coach the MIHS Dance Team! Woowoo! It just so happened that I got to have the honor of accompanying the girls at the game to run their dance and support the team.  The day was almost over and I hadn't done my musical number yet, but once I got to the school I became inspired....

Day: 3
When: Tuesday January 29th
Where: Merritt Island High School Commons
Song:  Practice

Austin Airport

It was Monday and time to leave Austin:(  Christina Bina had dropped me off in the airport and I was my flight just happened to be delayed an hour and I was already 2 hours early so I had some time to kill.  After I got through security I stopped by one of the airport shops where I bumped into Kay Kay!  Who is Kay Kay you ask??  She is one of my sorority sisters friend's that I met just a few days before.  Small world! (small airport too:)  Anyway, Kay Kay was so very kind enough to video tape my musical life that day...

Day: 2
When: Monday January 28th
Where: Austin Airport
Song:  What  Shall I Get?

My Life As A Musical Is Born

It all began during a fabulous ice cream date with my Christina Bina! We had met up with Kelley and Rachel (some of my fabulous sorority sisters) at Amy's ice cream.  YUM!  After ice cream we strolled on down to the overlook where we enjoyed each others company, some good laughs, and conversation.  Of course the topic of musicals came up!  I thought it would be the coolest if at least once a day I could bust into random song and if possible have someone tape it. And it became so.  I accepted my challenge:)  Kelley came up with the great idea of blogging my life as a musical and what a great idea it was! So here for your entertainment and mine, I present to you


Day:  1
When: Sunday January 27th
Where: Austin,TX at the overlook
Song:  Austin.  I Never Wanna Leave

*Songs were made up on the spot and the people in the background are strangers to me:)